Orch’s Pro Shop
Email orchsproshop@gmail.com for all your skating/hockey needs!
Orch’s Pro Shop, located in the lobby of the Franklin Park Ice Arena, offers a full range of hockey equipment and skating supplies. The staff is happy to answer any questions about equipment and sizing. For additional information or hours or operations, call 847-678-8463.
Who else offers…
- Low Competitive Pricing, volume discounts
- Warranty Exchange, including sticks!
- Popular Brands – RBK, CCM, Bauer, Easton, Riedell, Mondor, Leos
- Expert fitting and advice, personal service
- Skate & Equipment Repairs – skate oven and boot stretching
- Professional Skate sharpening
- Custom sportswear printing – official Panther wear supplier
- Custom design apparel – t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, etc… (You design)

Steve Orchard, Owner